JLLA Hosts Leadership Philosophy Workshop


The “Leadership Philosophy” workshopplanned by Kyle Wayde and led by President Erik Ammermanntook place on Friday, March 26th. 


The aim of this workshop was to broaden members’ perspective of leadership styles and philosophies, so as to advance their sense of the role. They identified not only the responsibilities of a leader, but had the opportunity to develop their own leadership principles as well. 


The seminar was modeled after Family Feud, where each of the members were divided into rooms to participate in a “game show” of timed survey questions. At the end of the allotted time, the full answers were revealed and explained in detail. 


These challengesalthough difficultproved to be informative. While the survey questions ranged widely in scope, the elements of leadership philosophy were greatest by far. Included in this are the following: theory, attitude, guiding principles and behavior.  


Theory is essentially what a person believes, or the values they prioritize. Attitude is a reflection of thoughts and words, the aim of which being to bolster success. Principles are the priorities of a good leader, which should serve as the basis for all decision-making. And based on the preceding core ideas, behavior indicates how one must act in certain situations.

At the end of the game, the highest-scoring team was Mohammed Albayati and Bala Swaminathan.