Meet Leana Santos

Leana Santos is an ambitious Ph.D. candidate in Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Connecticut (UConn), with a projected graduation date in 2025. Her academic journey is guided by Dr. Kay Wille, whose expertise in structural engineering has profoundly influenced Leana’s research focus. She currently serves as the Social Media Director for the John Lof Leadership Academy

Leana’s academic curiosity and dedication have taken her to numerous conferences, where she has not only presented her research but also garnered recognition. She has shared her insights at prestigious events such as the ASEE in Summer 2024, where she presented a paper, the ICISR in Spring 2024, and the ACI in Fall 2023. Her active participation extends to receiving a Scholar Award at ITM in Fall 2023, and being an awardee at NASCC & SEI in Spring 2024, showcasing her commitment to advancing her field.

Her professional journey began as a Structural Engineer Intern at Silva Engineering, where she honed her practical skills and deepened her understanding of real-world challenges in civil engineering. This experience, coupled with her academic pursuits, has driven her to UConn and the Jon Lof Leadership Academy (JLLA), where she aims to further develop her leadership skills.

Within JLLA, she has played a pivotal role in enhancing the academy’s digital presence and fostering engagement within the community. Her leadership style is dynamic, often adapting to the diverse approaches of those she collaborates with, a skill she attributes to her experiences at JLLA.

Leana’s current research focuses on the critical issue of crumbling concrete due to pyrrhotite oxidation, a topic of significant concern in structural engineering. Her work aims to uncover solutions that could prevent catastrophic failures in infrastructure, demonstrating her dedication to making impactful contributions to her field.

Looking ahead, Leana aspires to join academia, where she can continue her research and inspire the next generation of engineers. Her advice to aspiring students is clear: “Get out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there.” This philosophy reflects her belief in the importance of embracing challenges and seeking growth through new experiences.

JLLA has been instrumental in Leana’s journey, providing her with opportunities to work with leaders of diverse styles and enhancing her adaptability and leadership skills. The academy has been a cornerstone in her personal and professional growth, equipping her with the tools to excel in her future endeavors.

Leana Santos stands as a testament to the power of resilience, leadership, and the relentless pursuit of excellence in the field of Civil & Environmental Engineering.