Meet Alaa Selim

Alaa Selim is a passionate Ph.D. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Connecticut (UConn), set to graduate in 2025. Guided by his advisor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Alaa has been actively pushing the boundaries of power systems and cybersecurity. His research focuses on optimizing control strategies for distributed energy resources and fortifying power grids against cyber threats, ensuring a more resilient and secure future for energy systems.

Before joining UConn, Alaa built an impressive career at Schneider Electric, where he developed SCADA systems for power stations, refineries, and data centers. His journey started in Cairo, where he attended Ain Shams University, diving deep into engineering research while mentoring undergraduates and contributing to electric vehicle racing teams. His work in these competitive racing environments led to the development of cutting-edge powertrain systems that competed in international competitions. These experiences fostered Alaa’s curiosity and drive for innovation, leading him to UConn to further explore the exciting world of power systems engineering.

Alaa’s leadership skills shine brightly at the Jon Lof Leadership Academy (JLLA), where he currently serves as the Activities Director. In this role, he orchestrates engaging events, from workshops to speaker sessions, ensuring they leave a lasting impact on participants. His ability to create unique experiences and foster community engagement has made him an invaluable part of JLLA, where he enjoys watching ideas come to life and participants connect and grow.

Academically, Alaa has presented his work at prestigious conferences, including the 2024 Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT NA), Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC), and the 2024 IEEE PES General Meeting. His research was also recognized with the Best Poster Award in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UConn.

Looking ahead, Alaa is eager to continue his research in power systems, with plans to launch a startup focused on innovative solutions for sustainable practices. His advice to aspiring students? “Never stop learning and stay curious. Dive into projects that excite you, even if they seem challenging. The most rewarding paths are the ones that make a difference.”

For Alaa, JLLA has been a guiding force throughout his journey, offering a supportive community where he can grow as both a leader and researcher. Through JLLA, Alaa has gained invaluable insights into leadership, event planning, and strategic thinking, all while contributing to the growth of the academy and its community.