Some Important Announcements from the 6/16 General Body Meeting


Major updates were announced at the most recent General Body Meeting, which took place virtually on Wednesday, June 16th.


It opened with the introduction of new E-Board members for 2022. The titleholders are as follows: 


Albert Tulli IV President, Bala Swaminathan Vice President, Allison Surian Public Relations Director, Utsav Awasthi Finance Director, Tasneem Ahmaddullah Activities Director, David Etim Parliamentarian, Devin McConnell Social Media Director.  


The next portion of the meeting gave focus to upcoming summer workshops. These seminars are student-led, meaning that contributors must design the event from start to finish. 


In preparing for this, students must submit a thorough proposal, which includes an agenda, interactive portion, speakers, resources and takeaways.


The workshops are to include: Nuances of being a Leader on July 7th, Cultural Competency on July 21st, and Teamwork on August 4th.

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